Thursday, July 24, 2008

Did I just see a.......?

Did I just see a sideways hat on the man who thinks that it is the dumbest thing in the world? Yes, yes I have and I just had to post this picture. Brad swears that he'll get revenge for it or start his own blog but I'll take my chances! Also, yes, that is a winter hat on Alexa in July. I had put on a hat because we went for a walk and hadn't combed my hair yet. She decided that she needed one too. This is what she picked. What can I say?! Alexa has quite the sense of fashion. Look for her unique line of clothing starting Fall 2008!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Baby's Room, Scrabble and Punk'd! What?!

Here is Alexa with her new "Wonder Pets" hat. She loves this show and sings the song all the time. Wonder pets, wonder pets. We're on our way. To help the baby something and save the day.......
Well Brad can't stand when hats are sideways and Alexa happened to have this hat that way. Boy was it ever funny because she looked like she was about to punk someone! Or I had a flash of her as a teenager and to think that she's only 2 years old. Oh boy!
So you're probably wondering what's up with this. Well Brad and I love to play Scrabble. Which we are quite competitive at, when it comes to each other. We hadn't played in a while so we figured it was about time for a rematch.
As you can see, Brad beat me by 53 points. Which he only did by spelling indecent, using all of his letters and getting an extra 50 points for that. If he hadn't then he would have only beat me by 3 points, which in my mind is a pretty darn close game! He doesn't always win. But next time you're mine, Bradley!
Here I am being a sore loser.

This is the baby's room decorated in "Funky Monkeys" fabric. I made the quilt for the crib and it turned out really well. I love this fabric and I'm so proud that I was actually able to get the quilt to turn out.
Somewhat of a close-up. Brad says this child is going to have a strange sense of color. I personally like it. It's bright and cheery.

Thought this would be fun

I have to give thanks to a couple of friends for the inspiration for this blog. I have been reading their family blogs for awhile and I thought that it would be fun to try it out. So thanks you two, you know who you are. Hopefully I'll be able to keep up with it as well as you do.

So for my first blog I should say that baby #2 will be joining us on July 25th (if not sooner). And my little helper Alexa is really excited and getting rather impatient for the baby to arrive. She told me yesterday that she is going to rock the baby in the swing and is going to change the poopy diapers! If only she could!
We have been busy around the house getting things ready for the baby. The baby's room is almost finished. Nothing like leaving it to the last minute. But anyone that knows this family knows that we are somewhat of procrastinators to the bitter end. Like putting it off will give us more time!