Here is Alexa with her new "Wonder Pets" hat. She loves this show and sings the song all the time.
Wonder pets, wonder pets. We're on our way. To help the baby something and save the day.......
Well Brad can't stand when hats are sideways and Alexa happened to have this hat that way. Boy was it ever funny because she looked like she was about to punk someone! Or I had a flash of her as a teenager and to think that she's only 2 years old. Oh boy!

So you're probably wondering what's up with this. Well Brad and I love to play Scrabble. Which we are quite competitive at, when it comes to each other. We hadn't played in a while so we figured it was about time for a rematch.

As you can see, Brad beat me by 53 points. Which he only did by spelling
indecent, using all of his letters and getting an extra 50 points for that. If he hadn't then he would have only beat me by 3 points, which in
my mind is a pretty darn close game! He doesn't always win. But next time you're mine, Bradley!

Here I am being a sore loser.

This is the baby's room decorated in "Funky Monkeys" fabric. I made the quilt for the crib and it turned out really well. I love this fabric and I'm so proud that I was actually able to get the quilt to turn out.

Somewhat of a close-up. Brad says this child is going to have a strange sense of color. I personally like it. It's bright and cheery.