Sleeping so peacefully with her little sock mitts! Babies always look like little angels when they're sleeping.

Lexie loves these sunglasses and always has them upside down. Which she tells me is the right way. Loves to argue already!

Pretending to be a cowgirl on her trusty old "
Sticks and Stones". And yes Lexie did come up with that name all by herself.

I don't know who she looks like in this one. Harper's maybe one or two weeks old in this picture. I better start adding some more recent material.

Making faces at me already and she's not even 2 months old. This picture is before the bad rash on her face, which is thankfully all gone now.

So here are the two cutest girl ever! Alexa loves to hold Harper and say, " Your so wiggly."
Alexa said the funniest thing last night before bed. She said to me, "Your hair is just yellow like me Mommy." and to Brad said, "Your hair is just black." and to the both of us, "And Harper's hair..... it's just gone." Boy, did we ever laugh. Kids say the funniest things.
1 comment:
Cute pictures! Love the one of Alexa holding Harper....adorable!
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