So my parents came for a visit at the end of October and back again in November after they came back from Mexico. These pictures were taken just before they were going to the airport to go home. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to take some pictures!

My sister Kaitlyn and Alexa.

My Dad and Alexa.

My Dad and Harper.

My Mom, Harper, Alexa and her Indy Bear.

My Mom, Dad, sister Kaitlyn and Harper. Can you believe that Kaitlyn is only 12 years old. She's like 5' 6" or more already. Future basketball player I think but she really likes volleyball. Oh well, I guess it is a benefit to be tall in volleyball too.

My Mom and Harper.

Brad's Dad Leroy and Harper.
He came to visit because he hadn't see the girls in a while. He's been really busy with work.
It was nice visiting with my family because I don't think that I'll get to over Christmas. But I suppose you never know. Things could change in the next 42 days!
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