Monday, October 12, 2009


Since it is Thanksgiving and all, I thought I would put down some of the things I'm thankful for:

  1. Two beautiful, healthy children.
  2. A wonderful husband that I seem to fall in love with more each year.
  3. A warm comfortable home.
  4. Harpers' silliness. Even at 14 months, she is comical.
  5. Alexas' seemingly early ability to learn school subjects. I may be biased though but whatever it is, it makes me proud.
  6. Friends that I enjoy spending time with.
  7. Extended family
  8. September to December. It's my favorite time of year. I don't necessarily like the cold but I enjoy everything else. It just puts me in a good mood.
  9. Houseplants. I like having green, living things around me.
  10. My body. It's maybe not the shape I want but it carries me around this world, allows me to hug my family and receive that love back. Nothing is better than that.

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