Thursday, December 11, 2008

Just a little update

We haven't been up to that much in the last little while but still seem to be so busy! These pictures are from last month, I believe. That's how far behind I am.

Nice smiles from my baby girl. Harper always has a smile on her face. She's just so happy all the time. Makes for a pretty easy baby.
Looks like she's going to have big blue eyes like her sister.

Brad and Harper. I really like this picture.

Playing on her floor mat.

Lex likes to play on the floor mat too! It's funny how she is rediscovering the baby toys in the house. Some of them she can actually play better with now as compared to before. I guess that just proves that somethings probaby don't have the right age of use on them.
Next update will be better because I'll some Christmas activity pictures and some really cute videos. So stay tuned for that.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Family comes to visit.

So my parents came for a visit at the end of October and back again in November after they came back from Mexico. These pictures were taken just before they were going to the airport to go home. Nothing like waiting until the last minute to take some pictures!

My sister Kaitlyn and Alexa.
My Dad and Alexa.

My Dad and Harper.

My Mom, Harper, Alexa and her Indy Bear.

My Mom, Dad, sister Kaitlyn and Harper. Can you believe that Kaitlyn is only 12 years old. She's like 5' 6" or more already. Future basketball player I think but she really likes volleyball. Oh well, I guess it is a benefit to be tall in volleyball too.

My Mom and Harper.

Brad's Dad Leroy and Harper.
He came to visit because he hadn't see the girls in a while. He's been really busy with work.
It was nice visiting with my family because I don't think that I'll get to over Christmas. But I suppose you never know. Things could change in the next 42 days!

Halloween fun

My scary little witch. This is just Alexa dressing up in an old costume. Not her costume this year. I'm starting to think that she may have a lot of costumes! Oh well, she has fun!

Very scary!
This is her costume from this Halloween. She was a, "Captain Pirate" is what she told people.

I actually made this costume this year. It was a lot of work and I made some mistakes but I think that it turned out pretty well. That's what I like about making Halloween costumes, they don't have to be perfect.

If you can believe it, Alexa actually kept that patch on most of the day and pretty well the whole time we were trick or treating. She got a fair bit of candy and she went into the haunted house that was on our street. It was pretty cool! I can't wait until she's older and she can stay out later. I have to admit that I'll be one of those moms that lets her kids go out for as long as they want because I'll be right there beside them. I love Halloween.

My little angel. Ha ha! One of the on sale costumes I got last Halloween.

Funny video of Alexa being a really scary witch!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

October already! Where did September go?

I can't believe that it is October 2nd already. Time is flying by. But we are enjoying the nice summer like weather and the fact that we are actually having a fall season this year. Now if the nice weather can hold out until the end of November then I would be a very happy camper.

Harper is growing so quickly and is chubbing up. I just love the round cheeks! Check out the update of Harper pictures that follows this blog. You'll have a good laugh.

Alexa is growing like a weed too. She is starting to look older now and not so much like a baby. The potty training is still going alright and she is doing not too bad. She is getting better at telling us she has to go "potty". I can't wait until this process is over with both kids! Totally not my most favorite thing to do. Alexa's update of pictures follows Harper's update. So be sure not to miss it.

Hope everyone and their families are doing excellent. Time to go and have lunch. Then off to Walmart to buy diapers, bottle liners, and formula! Boy, doesn't that sound fun!

Update of Harper Pictures

Here comes trouble alright! Watch out moms who have boys. There's another cutie in the house. And she's only 2 months old!
Roll'in with the new hat. I know I'm cute!
I'm alright.
Oh, no! Something is starting to bother me. (Could the lip be stuck out any farther.)
Now I'm really getting started!
Now I'm smiling. The full range of emotions in a matter of a few minutes!

Bright eyed and bushy tailed. And very serious! This is hard work growing hair, you know.
Smiling in her sleep. Nothing warms your heart more than smiles from your babies.
Waking up after a nice warm, cozy nap.

Update of Lexie Pictures

I just love these vests that you can buy for the kids. They always look so cute in them. But Alexa gets mad at this one when she's sitting in the car because she thinks that she has to have the hood up but then gets too hot!
I bought this shirt at Old Navy. Love the Halloween stuff. Somewhat obsessed with it actually.
I got this costume last year after Halloweem for like $5.00! She has so much fun dressing up.
I had to add a couple more pictures of Alexa and "Sticks and Stones" because they are just the cutest pictures ever.
Alexa is obsessed with the fake flowers. She is getting quite a collection of them!

Alexa likes to pose for the camera. I laugh because this one looks like a Calvin Klein ad. This is her new bathing suit this year also.
This is after she ran through the sprinkler. Took her all summer to get use to the idea!
This is after she had enough and wanted something to drink.
This is just a sampling of the photos from the summer up till now. I have to do more regular posts. If only I could fine the time!!!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Pictures, pictures and more pictures!

Sleeping so peacefully with her little sock mitts! Babies always look like little angels when they're sleeping.
Lexie loves these sunglasses and always has them upside down. Which she tells me is the right way. Loves to argue already!
Pretending to be a cowgirl on her trusty old "Sticks and Stones". And yes Lexie did come up with that name all by herself.

I don't know who she looks like in this one. Harper's maybe one or two weeks old in this picture. I better start adding some more recent material.

Making faces at me already and she's not even 2 months old. This picture is before the bad rash on her face, which is thankfully all gone now.

So here are the two cutest girl ever! Alexa loves to hold Harper and say, " Your so wiggly."
Alexa said the funniest thing last night before bed. She said to me, "Your hair is just yellow like me Mommy." and to Brad said, "Your hair is just black." and to the both of us, "And Harper's hair..... it's just gone." Boy, did we ever laugh. Kids say the funniest things.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

September here we come...

So everything has been going pretty well at the Mastaler household. Harper is doing really well except for a bad rash that she has on her face. It doesn't seem to be bothering her but it looks so sore. I'm taking her to the doctor on Thursday. Alexa has been pretty good. She has her 2 year old moments a few times a day but she is getting better. The potty training is going awesome! She's only had one "accident" in 2 weeks. She's not in panties just a pull-up but she's keeping it dry, so that's all that matters! In a few weeks I'll try the panties again. I hope that this is it and there is no future problems. Boy, wouldn't that be nice!
So for the past couple of weeks I have been thinking about activities to put Alexa in and have found some really good ones. I think that she needs to have some of this stuff so she doesn't get bored and I don't lose me mind. Especially that winter is coming up we really need things to do to get out of the house, besides going to Walmart. And she needs to interact with other kids more often, so hopefully all goes well.
I love that September is almost here. Fall is my favorite time of year: the cooler weather, the crisp smell in the air, Halloween, the colors, etc. It just makes me feel so happy!

Monday, August 18, 2008

And then there were 4!

So July 25th was the day! And out came Miss Harper Emily Mastaler weighting 7 pounds 6 oz and 20 inches. I stayed in the hospital until Sunday afternoon. They let me go home early, thank goodness! The food there was pretty good but it is always way more comfortable at home. The first day after the c-section was pretty sore but I am surprised at how quickly you can start to feel better. Within a week I was feeling pretty darn good for having major surgery! And now 3 weeks later, I feel awesome. I'm always saying that it feels like I didn't even have a baby compared to the labour/delivery with Alexa. So I would tell anyone that if you have an option of having a c-section, go for it. I now see why celebrities have c-sections! Also my doctor was great! That's Dr. Gleason, who is out of the Meadowlark Mall. I only wish that it had been him to deliver Alexa. He's totally cool and really relaxed but definitely knows what he is doing. He's also quite funny, which makes for an enjoyable time.

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Did I just see a.......?

Did I just see a sideways hat on the man who thinks that it is the dumbest thing in the world? Yes, yes I have and I just had to post this picture. Brad swears that he'll get revenge for it or start his own blog but I'll take my chances! Also, yes, that is a winter hat on Alexa in July. I had put on a hat because we went for a walk and hadn't combed my hair yet. She decided that she needed one too. This is what she picked. What can I say?! Alexa has quite the sense of fashion. Look for her unique line of clothing starting Fall 2008!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Baby's Room, Scrabble and Punk'd! What?!

Here is Alexa with her new "Wonder Pets" hat. She loves this show and sings the song all the time. Wonder pets, wonder pets. We're on our way. To help the baby something and save the day.......
Well Brad can't stand when hats are sideways and Alexa happened to have this hat that way. Boy was it ever funny because she looked like she was about to punk someone! Or I had a flash of her as a teenager and to think that she's only 2 years old. Oh boy!
So you're probably wondering what's up with this. Well Brad and I love to play Scrabble. Which we are quite competitive at, when it comes to each other. We hadn't played in a while so we figured it was about time for a rematch.
As you can see, Brad beat me by 53 points. Which he only did by spelling indecent, using all of his letters and getting an extra 50 points for that. If he hadn't then he would have only beat me by 3 points, which in my mind is a pretty darn close game! He doesn't always win. But next time you're mine, Bradley!
Here I am being a sore loser.

This is the baby's room decorated in "Funky Monkeys" fabric. I made the quilt for the crib and it turned out really well. I love this fabric and I'm so proud that I was actually able to get the quilt to turn out.
Somewhat of a close-up. Brad says this child is going to have a strange sense of color. I personally like it. It's bright and cheery.